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Prospects for harnessing biocide resistance for bioremediation and detoxification.
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Tunable reporter signal production in feedback-uncoupled arsenic bioreporters.
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Community-wide plasmid gene mobilization and selection.
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Improved statistical analysis of low abundance phenomena in bimodal bacterial populations.
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Where microbiology meets microengineering: design and applications of reporter bacteria.
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Development of bacteria-based bioassays for arsenic detection in natural waters.
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Bioremediation, a broad perspective.
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Optimization of preservation conditions of As (III) bioreporter bacteria.
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Genomic islands: tools of bacterial horizontal gene transfer and evolution.
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Novel use of a whole cell E. coli bioreporter as a urinary exposure biomarker.
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Bacterial Biosensors for Measuring Availability of Environmental Pollutants.
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Use of flow cytometric methods for single-cell analysis in environmental microbiology.
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Internal arsenite bioassay calibration using multiple bioreporter cell lines.
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Burkholderia sartisoli sp. nov., isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil.
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Analysis of bioavailable arsenic in rice with whole cell living bioreporter bacteria.
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Bioreporters: gfp versus lux revisited and single-cell response.
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A new green fluorescent protein-based bacterial biosensor for analysing phenanthrene fluxes.
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Whole-cell living biosensors--are they ready for environmental application?
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