Environmental and Evolutionary Microbiology Group @eem_lab
Prof. Jan Roelof van der Meer
Department of Fundamental Microbiology / University of Lausanne
Environmental and Evolutionary Microbiology

My primary interest is the environment, the quality of our living resources and the ways that bacteria can help to manage and degrade human wastes and restore environmental health. Consequently, I am very interested in genetic adaptation processes in bacteria, the mechanisms by which they deal with toxic substances, how they react to pollution in general and how we can apply microbial processes in a useful way (like bacterial bioreporters, bioremediation, microbiome engineering).

September 06 2024

Triple Hurrah, first to Tania and Senka for successfully and brilliantly passing their PhD exams (bravo, Tania and Senka!), and to Maxime for the appearance of his first paper on Habitat fragmentation in picoliter droplets showing the effects of phenotypic variation of founder cells of species pairs on their reproductive success (aka the picoliter droplet story). Bravo Maxime, Isaline and all the other collaborators.

March 22 2024

Congratulations to Senka, Manupriyam and Marian, with help of Vladimir and Nico, for their combined forces to show the role of nutrient niche availability and metabolite facilitation that control proliferation of bacterial inoculants into (contaminated) soils! A special thanks to Guillem, Hans and Shini for collaborating on the metatranscriptomics analysis. A milestone for our lab! See the new Nature Communications publication here (

March 13 2024

November 13 2023

We're very happy that our concerted review on microbiome engineering, collectively written by members of the NCCR Microbiomes, has now been published. We hope this will be widely interesting for researchers in the field!

Ahead of print:


November 10 2023

Congratulations to Valentina and Nico, in collaboration with CHUV researchers, for their publication on evolution and diversity of integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) in clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains.

See more

Jan Roelof van der Meer

Group leader

Vladimir Sentchilo

Senior scientist

Roxane Moritz

PhD Student

Senka Causevic


Maxime Batsch

PhD Student

Gaïtan Géhin

PhD student shared with Jasqueline Peña

Isaline Guex


Tania Miguel Trabajo


Valentina Benigno

PhD student

Anthony Convers

PhD student

Bruna Fornasari

Junior Scientist

Hanna Budny


Juan Pablo Rueda Ramirez

Junior Scientist

Aline Raub

Master student
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Jan Roelof van der Meer

See Jan van der Meer live at the 'Night of the Microbes' of the ISME meeting 2018. Lecture: Jan van der Meer's video talk called

Synthetic Biology: Principles and Applications is available on at


Latest publications

Fragmented micro-growth habitats present opportunities for alternative competitive outcomes.

Batsch M, Guex I, Todorov H, Heiman CM, Vacheron J, Vorholt JA, Keel C, van der Meer JR.

Nat Commun. 2024 Aug 31. 10.1038/s41467-024-51944-z

Bacttle: a microbiology educational board game for lay public and schools.

Trabajo TM, Dorcey E, van der Meer JR.

J Microbiol Biol Educ. 2024 Aug 29. 10.1128/jmbe.00097-24

Neuronal Distribution in Colorectal Cancer: Associations With Clinicopathological Parameters and Survival.

Massen M, Thijssen MS, Rademakers G, Idris M, Wouters KAD, van der Meer JRM, Buekers N, Huijgen D, Samarska IV, Weijenberg MP, van den Brandt PA, van Engeland M, Gijbels MJ, Boesmans W, Smits KM, Melotte V.

Mod Pathol. 2024 Jul 17. 10.1016/j.modpat.2024.100565

Niche availability and competitive loss by facilitation control proliferation of bacterial strains intended for soil microbiome interventions.

Čaušević S, Dubey M, Morales M, Salazar G, Sentchilo V, Carraro N, Ruscheweyh HJ, Sunagawa S, van der Meer JR.

Nat Commun. 2024 Mar 22. 10.1038/s41467-024-46933-1


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  janroelof.vandermeer (at]
